
If you want to contribute to RPi-Monitor and propose a pull request, first create a fork from github

Contribute to documentation

RPi-Monitor documentation is written in reStructured Text using sphinx document generator and Read the docs theme (included in project as git submodule)

Prepare development environment

Clone your fork and update theme with the following commands:

git clone${GITHUB_ACCOUNT}/RPi-Monitor.git
cd RPi-Monitor
git submodule update --init --recursive
pip install sphinx sphinx-autobuild

Generate documentation

The following command update the documentation and start firefox on generated documentation:

cd docs
make clean && make html && firefox build/html/index.html

Propose a merge request

Once your modifications are done, you can propose a pull request on github.


Propose pull requests on develop branch only.

Contribute to software

Report issue

Whether you’ve found an issue with RPI-Monitor, here’s how to report the problem...

First, check the documentation for solutions to common problems.

To file a bug

  • Go to issue tracker on GitHub
  • Search for existing issues using the search field at the top of the page
  • File a new issue with all details explaining how to reproduce the bug

Requesting a feature

Feel free to file new feature requests as an issue on GitHub, just like a bug.

Propose a merge request

GitHub is used to perform versioning of development and also to store the development progress of future releases.

The branch master contains the latest stable version.

The branch develop is the unstable development branch (The branch may have bugs and partially released code that could avoid RPi-Monitor to run as expected).

Each release is identified by a tag.

You want to contribute to RPi-Monitor. I’ll be happy to integrate your pull request.

Please note: Pull request perfomed on develop branch will be integrated as soon as possible. Pull request perform on master branche may only be integrated when a new version is published (or not may not be integrated at all...)


This document describe how RPi-Monitor is packaged and installed.


rpimonitord is a perl script which require the following perl modules to work:

  • perl
  • librrds-perl
  • libhttp-daemon-perl (>= 6.0.0) | libwww-perl (<< 6.0.0)
  • libjson-perl
  • libipc-sharelite-perl
  • libfile-which-perl
  • libsnmp-extension-passpersist-perl
  • aptitude (required by script checking upgradable packages)


  • /usr/bin/rpimonitord : Daemon extracting data from the system and embedding the web application server - The help page is used to generate manpage
  • /etc/cron.d/rpimonitor : daily extraction the status of package update updating the file updatestatus.txt
  • /etc/init.d/rpimonitor : sysVinit startup script


upstart and systemd script are also avialable in the repository


  • /etc/rpimonitor/daemon.conf : configuration of rpimonitord daemon
  • /etc/rpimonitor/data.conf : symlink to template/<distribution>.conf configuration of default data to be extracted and presented
  • /etc/rpimonitor/*.conf : all other *.conf file will be parsed to look for data to be monitored
  • /etc/rpimonitor/template/*.conf : data configuration template customized for different distribution and additionnal examples

Some configuration files are provided for different distribution (raspbian, xbian, ...). These files are stored into the subdirectory /etc/rpimonitor/templates/. For supported distribution, the post installation script of package creates a link, data.conf, pointing to the configuration files dedicated to the distribution.


The template directory is also containing some templates that can be used as example to customize configuration.


  • /usr/share/man/man5/rpimonitord.conf.5.gz : Manpage for rpimonitor and data extraction configuration
  • /usr/share/man/man1/rpimonitord.1.gz : Manpage for rpimonitord command line usage

Web Interface

  • /usr/share/rpimonitor/web : Directory containing html
  • /usr/share/rpimonitor/web/js : Directory containing javascripts
  • /usr/share/rpimonitor/web/css : Directory containing style
  • /usr/share/rpimonitor/web/img : Directory containing images
  • /usr/share/rpimonitor/web/fonts : Directory containing fonts
  • /usr/share/rpimonitor/web/addons : Directory containing addons


When RPi-Monitor is configured to not use the internal server, the json are written on the disk into the web root directory /usr/share/rpimonitor/web


  • /usr/share/rpimonitor/scripts/ : Script periodically executed to update /var/lib/rpimonitor/updatestatus.txt


  • /var/lib/rpimonitor/web/stat : Directory containing *.rrd
  • /var/lib/rpimonitor/updatestatus.txt : Current status of packages update