Metrics extraction configuration


include keyword is available to add a file to the list of configuration files to be loaded.

include=<full path to configuration file>

<full path to configuration file> is the full path to the configuration file to add at the end of the list of configuration files to be loaded.


The initial order of information displayed in status page depends on the order of file inclusion.


static is definign KPI which is not changing over the time. KPI are extracted once at rpimonitord startup (example: memory size, disk size, network bandwidth limit...).

Each static KPI is identified into the configuration file by a line starting with the keyword static, an identifier <static data id> and the following parameters.


Inside a configuration file <static data id> should be unique per KPI.

static.<static data id>.name=<data name>

<data name> is a string representing the KPI or the list of KPI separated by comma. Each name has to be unique. Only alpha numerical charter and underscore are accepted.


Do not use - in data name: This is a limitation of javascript.

static.<static data id>.source=<data source>

<data source> is a file or an executable file within the path. If the file exists, rpimonitord will read its content. If the file is not existing, rpimonitord will try to execute it and will parse the output.


In <data source> it is possible to refer to another <data name> with the prefix data. followed by <data name>. This data could refer to dynamic or static KPI.

Example: data.kernel_version


The order of KPI extraction is important.

Data used should already been extracted to be accessible.

static.<static data id>.regexp=<data regexp>
<data regexp> is the regular expression extracting information from data source. Regexp groups () has to be used to extract the data In case of KPI list, each group will be affected to a KPI name.
static.<static data id>.postprocess=<data postprocess>
<data postprocess> is an expression defining the postprocessing formula or the list of postprocessing formula (comma separated) to be applied on result. Each result is processed individually and is identified by $1 This parameter will be evaluate by the command eval of perl.


Dynamic KPI are extracted periodically (defined by daemon.delay). Each KPI is identified into the conf file by a line stating with the keyword dynamic, an identifier <dynamic data id> and the following parameters:

dynamic.<dynamic data id>.name=<data name>

<data name> is a string representing the KPI or the list of KPI separated by comma. Each name has to be unique. Only alpha numerical charter and underscore are accepted.


Do not use - in data name: This is a limitation of javascript.

dynamic.<dynamic data id>.source=<data source>
<data source> is a file or an executable program within the path. If the file exists, rpimonitord will read its content. If the file is not existing, rpimonirotd will try to execute it and will parse the output.
dynamic.<dynamic data id>.regexp=<data regexp>
<data regexp> is the regular expression extracting information from data source. Regexp groups () has to be used to extract the data In case of KPI list, each group will be affected to a KPI name.
dynamic.<dynamic data id>.postprocess=<data postprocess>

<data postprocess> is an expression defining the postprocessing formula or the list of postprocessing formula (comma separated) to be applied on result. Each result is processed individually and is identified by $1 This parameter will be evaluate by the command eval of perl.


Static values are accessible for the post processing using the variable $this->{'static'}->{'static_data_name'} and can be used. You can refer to swap data extraction to see an example (cf. swap.conf).

dynamic.<dynamic data id>.interval=<interval>
rpimonitord extracts data every daemon.delay seconds. <interval> define how many loop have to be waited before extracting this data. Default value is 1. This means that data is extracted at every loop.
dynamic.<dynamic data id>.default=<default>
If rpimonitord can’t extract information, it is possible to define a <default> value which will be set for the KPI or defaults values of a list of KPI separated by comma.
dynamic.<dynamic data id>.rrd=<GAUGE|COUNTER|DERIVE|ABSOLUTE|COMPUTE>
rrd parameter is defining if the KPI has to be stored into a RRD database and how <GAUGE|COUNTER|DERIVE|ABSOLUTE|COMPUTE>. If the parameter is defined as empty, no RRD database will be created. If this parameter is defined, a RRD database will be created and data will be stored at every extraction. Ref RRDTool documentation for RRD parameter description.

dynamic.<dynamic data id>.min=<minimal value acceptable in RRD>

dynamic.<dynamic data id>.max=<maximal value acceptable in RRD>

If a value extracted by is less than minimal of greater than maximal value, it will not be stored into RRD database as unknown. These limits are usefull to handle counter that fall down to 0 when they reach their limit (Ex: network graphs)


Static values are accessible for the post processing using the variable $this->{'static'}->{'static_data_name'} and can be used. You can refer to swap data extraction to see an example.


RPi-Monitor is able to act as an snmp-agent. Snmp configuration is based on KPI name. KPI could be static or dynamic.

snmp.<kpi name>.id=<id>
<id> is the last number of OID appended at the end of OID configuration defined for snmp agent. (ref. SNMP agent configuration section)
snmp.<kpi name>.type=<type>
Type of data can be : counter, counter64, gauge, integer, ipaddr, ipaddress, netaddr, objectid, octetstr, string, timeticks
snmp.<kpi name>.description=<text description>
Description of KPI to be added in MIB
snmp.<kpi name>.postprocess=<formula>
Post process formula to apply to KPI before sending over SNMP. Ex: Convert float to interger by mutiplying by 100: $1*100

Commands to use to get MIB information:

Snmp Configuration
See configuration file example in /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf.rpimonitor and activate pass_persist extension
Extract MIB from RPi-Monitor
rpimonitord -m > ~/mib.txt
Get data from SNMP
snmpwalk -v 2c -m ~/mib.txt -c public