Alert configuration

RPi-Monitor is able to detect if value exceed a defined value or come back to the normal.


Alert/Cancel are sent only when the state is stable to avoid messages flooding when limit is about to be exceeded as shown in schema bellow:

                        send alert
 th      th <------dh------>|        th
  _____   __________________|______   _______           send cancel
  |   |   |                       |   |     |              ^
  |   |   |                       |   |     |              |
__|   |___|                       |___|     |______________|_____
     tl                          tl        tl<-----dl----->
                                    Alert is raised

If alert is still active after resend period, alerte is sent again:

                  send alert                                    resend alert
                      ^                                               ^
    th <-----dh------>|<---------------------dr---------------------->|
   tl                 |----------------------------------------------------->
                                    Alert is raised


Each alert is identified by its <alert name>.

alert.<alert name>.active=<activation condition>
<activation condition> defines the alert pre-condition. If this formula returns false, the trigger will not be checked. Default value is 1. This command could refer to KPI using keyword data.<kpi name>
alert.<alert name>.kpi=<trigger>
<trigger> is defining the formula to evaluate. If formula returns true, the alert is detected. This command should refer to KPI using keyword data.<kpi name>
alert.<alert name>.maxalertduration=<duration before raise>
The alert will be dectected immediatly but alert raised commande will be executed only afer a defined <duration before raise> in seconds (dh in the upper schema)
alert.<alert name>.cancelvalidation=<duration before cancel>
As for alert raising, cancellation command will be executed only after <duration before cancel> seconds (dl in the upper schema)
alert.<alert name>.resendperiod=<period>
If alert is still active after <period> seconds, the raise command will be executed again (dr in the upper schema).
alert.<alert name>.raisecommand=<Raise Command>
<Raise Command> is the command to executed when an alert is raised. This command could refer to KPI using keyword data.<kpi name>
alert.<alert name>.cancelcommand=<Cancel Command>
<Cancel Command> is the command to executed when an alert is canceled This command could refer to KPI using keyword data.<kpi name>

See also

Example of implementation in Alert example